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Why People Love Us
Intensive Skin Repair Butter

A very intensive moisturizer that makes your skin look immediately more healthy and radiant. With all the chemicals we come in contact with daily, it feels good to know exactly what your putting on your skin.

-Ashley, Owner

Silver Lining Loot

I used the lip scrub and decided the rest of my face shouldn't miss out. I got a whole facial! Seriously I use this stuff every other day, it's even helped with my eczema and it lasts so long.


I got a comment about how"glowing" I was and theres a good possibility that it was actually the giant scoop of body butter that I just rubbed all over myself. Im so shiny & smooth!

-Amelia, 3rd Trimester Mama

Send us your thoughts for a chance to be entered to win a Deluxe Super Moon Rore Box!

Send us your thoughts for a chance to be entered to win a Deluxe Super Moon Rore Box!

This is such a wonderful product! It cleanses well and gives my face an even tone - good clarity! The potency of this formula makes it quite effective -- the best in its class!


My skin felt so amazing, the makeup remover just made me feel clean. Same with the butter, there are no overpowering smells, which is fuego!

"The Toner has seriously worked MIRACLES on my acne scars. I can't believe it. I've tried what seems like EVVVERRRYYYYYTHING for them with little or no improvement at all. But over the past -2 weeks-  Using the Immortelle toner I have had over more results than over the past 4-5 years, using a plethora of other products some of which cost 10x The Immortelle."

I received the most beautiful package, full of love and good energy! I'm excited about my Meditation Crony and will definitely recommend this shop to anyone! Blessings!


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